Top 10 Light Sport Aircraft - A light aircraft (LSA) can be flown with a pilot certificate instead of a private pilot certificate. Because of the differences in certification, you can become a light pilot in half the time and spend half the money on training. Many sport pilots choose to purchase their own light sport aircraft. Learn about what LSA ownership entails before you buy. Although there are many S-LSA (built-in) and E-LSA (experimental) on the market, here are a handful of

Light aircraft selection to help you determine what will work best for your operations.

Top 10 Light Sport Aircraft

Top 10 Light Sport Aircraft

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When choosing a light aircraft, keep in mind how you will use the aircraft the most. Engine type, load capacity and fuel range are important factors to consider before purchasing. You will also want to consider how the boat will be maintained, including the availability of parts, and how long it will be in full use. The best option for one reason may not be suitable for another.

The Czech-made Evektor Harmony LSA is available in three engine configurations. The corrosion-resistant design is great for pilots who don't have to pay for a space hangar or are often in the sky. The Harmony is also available in a full IFR version suitable for rated pilots.

JackRabbit is the portable Micro eBike that pilots love: only 24kg, 20km/h and has a head height of about 7 inches, meaning it fits any size aircraft. The best way to travel to and from the FBO. No meeting required.

The Italian-made Tecnam P92 Echo MkII is the simplest and most efficient alternative to other Technam aircraft. It is available in two configurations and comes at a reasonable price. The new airframe is considered a luxury option in the LSA market due to its sophisticated design and attention to detail.

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The Tomark Aero Viper is a two-seat, all-metal LSA designed specifically for recreational cruising. For LSA, the interior is very spacious and includes LCD navigation and communication system. The low price tag for both new and used models makes the Viper one of the best choices for pilots on a budget.

The CTLS Flight System is one of the most popular LSAs for use in flight schools. The carbon fiber chassis allows to reduce empty weight without sacrificing rigidity, performance and decoration. The price of the new base model is very reasonable and may be one of the best options for pilots looking to purchase their first aircraft with many additional features to upgrade.

The Rans S20 Raven is perfect for someone who has always wanted to own and fly an airplane and build one. Rance is one of the most popular kitplane manufacturers and produces four different types of frames. The S20 Raven LSA can be built in about 1,000 hours and pilot training. With a low total cost, the S20 Raven may be the best choice for your next collecting project.

Top 10 Light Sport Aircraft

Light sport aircraft (LSA) meet the FAA's weight, size, and performance requirements for light, low-duty, low-power aircraft, which are limited to a maximum gross weight of 1,320 kg for aircraft not intended for operations on water not; or 1,430 maximum take-off weight for an aircraft intended to operate on water.

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No. To fly an LSA, you must be at least 17 years old, hold a valid driver's license (for medical compliance purposes) and a pilot's certificate, and follow all FAA rules and regulations. The Sport Pilot Act allows a pilot to fly an LSA without requiring an FAA medical clearance.

The difference between S-LSA and E-LSA is the composition of the aircraft. S-LSAs are assembled by designers while E-LSAs (kitplanes) are assembled by hobby builders and are considered experimental aircraft. The ship has been approved as a pilot building and must be operated in accordance with the performance limits given to the ship at the time of receiving the certificate of approval.

When choosing an LSA, understand what you will be using the aircraft for. Choosing an aircraft that can meet your needs for practical use, speed, range, passenger weight and price is important before buying.

Useful load in an airplane refers to the difference between the gross weight and the actual empty weight. It includes pilots, passengers, fuel that can be used, fuel that can be removed, if desired, and cargo. If the plane is going to be used for things like family trips or take-off, choose an LSA with a larger payload.

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The best economy travel in a plane is the most economical speed for long distance flights. For short trips, a higher travel speed will not make a difference in total travel time, but for longer trips, a higher travel speed will make a big difference in travel time. Choose the fastest LSA that best suits your needs.

Flight limit is the maximum distance the plane can fly between take off and landing. This is directly related to the fuel consumption of the plane and the amount of fuel it can carry in the plane.

The maximum number of passengers for LSAs is two people. This is because the total weight of the aircraft, including payload, must meet specific FAA requirements to carry an LSA.

Top 10 Light Sport Aircraft

LSA prices vary by manufacturer, but in general, LSAs are cheaper than traditional aircraft of various sizes. The price of an LSA can be anywhere from $80,000 to $400,000, depending on the make and model.

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Now that you understand what LSAs are and what they can offer, you can choose the aircraft that best suits your needs. For more information on all things LSA and aviation, subscribe to FLYING magazine. Ever since light aircraft became available for purchase in the general aviation market, we've all heard pilots of larger, heavier, faster models sometimes make negative comments under the assumption that LSAs are slow. , and "annoying," and yes, even worse.

Join the ownership experience with Don McKenzie, owner/pilot of the new 2021 BRM Aero Bristell LSA. After talking to him, it's clear that most of what you think about light aircraft is wrong.

McKenzie has a Ph.D. in pharmaceutical science and has spent the past 21 years working in R&D in the pharmaceutical industry, starting in 2012.

Prior to purchasing his Bristell LSA, he was an owner/member of Capitol City Flyers in Madison, WI with access to a Piper Archer, Diamond DA40 and Cessna 182RG.

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"The Bristol was the first plane I owned," McKenzie said. "I took the delivery to the end of June, and [I'm] trying to get into the air as much as possible. I would say it's to build money, be sharp, etc., but who am I kidding? Just a happy bird to get up.

"The aircraft was manufactured at a factory in the Czech Republic and was originally certified by the S-LSA. I was re-certified as an E-LSA prior to delivery. The benefit of the E-LSA is the ability to fly IMC. and S. -LSA can fly under IFR, there is a limit to take it The change to E-LSA allowed me to update the limits imposed by the Air Traffic Control Act (AOI).

In addition to driving a sports car with a comfortable economy, Don McKenzie's new BRM Aero Bristell LSA also features the state of Michigan Spartans livery. Photo: Don Don McKenzie

Top 10 Light Sport Aircraft

McKenzie considered all the mission parameters before choosing to purchase his light sport aircraft. "Why did I go with LSA? Simple, it fits my mission needs," he said. "I took a plane to the ground, and anyone who said LSAs for $ 100 hamburger just did not fly what is in the market today.

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"Is it as fast as a Cirrus or a Muni? No, but I enjoy my time in the air, so why should it be any less? I can count on two hands more times than the passenger with me." so more than two seats will not be used."

When it came to "taking off for food," as many pilots do, McKenzie used the numbers on a flight from Dane County Airport (KMSN) to Illinois Valley Regional Airport. (KYVS) for "outstanding" barbecue at The Stone Jug. "ForeFlight shows a flight plan at 108nm, which is 1:08 hours of flight time and 7.9 liters [of fuel] at Bristol. A similar trip on the club's DA40 flight plan is 1:03 hours and it needs 11.8 liters of fuel. So I had to go seven minutes before I beat the DA40 pilot to the squad car, and with the fuel savings of using Mogas, I have more to spend on the barbecue."

The ability to burn Swift's 91 octane or 94 octane unleaded auto fuel translates into savings every time the McKenzie fills the Bristol tanks.

"The club head I flew would burn anywhere from 9.5 to 15 liters of 100LL per hour depending on

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